Wednesday, April 16, 2008

C Role Models Equals C Students

Since my posts have been pretty long, this is actually a continuation of the previous post, where I discussed how President Bush is a C student and a terrible role model for kids. Now, I’m completely aware of how many people in this country do not approve of the president, but there are still thousands of Americans out there that do, and sadly many of them are very influential. Even though the majority of public school teachers hate the president, the school system is not controlled by teachers, it is run by the government and specifically the president. Hmm, what happens when you have a C student controlling the schools, who thinks he is intelligent enough to run a country? YOU CREATE A SCHOOL SYSTEM THAT ONLY PRODUCES C STUDENTS WHO THINK THEY ARE A STUDENTS. That is exactly what is happening in the U.S., children are taught at a C level, a minimalist level, where only the basics are required to pass with high marks. We must develop schools that teach at an A level, where children are taught more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. As simple as this sounds, nothing is going to improve until we force the people in charge to be A students, who are intelligent enough to know something is not working. When those people finally open their eyes and see a country full of failing machines, the same machines that one day will be running this country, maybe they will realize how desperately things need to change. Of course, the problem is the people in charge are C students and they too are machines, unable to comprehend how a generation of dumb children affects them directly, since the school system also forgot to teach them common sense. Yep, the majority of Americans do not have common sense, they cannot connect the dots in life and only understand information based on memorized facts that if not presented exactly how they were in school books, do not make sense. When the people in charge are able to see the bigger picture and begin thinking in a way that reflects on that notion, we will have a country full of A students, and not C students.

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